Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Let's talk about net baby, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be " Nod to Salt and Pepa!

S'up faithful 6 1/2. Hope you area all keeping warm and safe in this cold snowy weather. I know I'm trying to! Todays subject may sound familiar as I've already once spoken about the internet but today I have a new and slightly strange thing to share (actually I laughed my ass off!) I encountered an on line dirty talker. Now I don't think he a dirty talker who preys on children, he was just a run of the mill,bored, random person seeing how far he could push it (crap, inuendo)! It was all innocent enough for I am talking about family, TV all that fun stuff that entertains me and there I have a down right dirty talker who could not suck me in. Some of that has to do with age as it's hard to take someone serious when they are typing about body functions, especially THOSE parts of the body. Also it has to do with my very serious commitment to my marriage vow's to my Sainted Danny, that is nothing to be played with. I am pretty sure I might have ruined his day cause all I could do was laugh and the even funnier part is that I kept actually trying to have a regular conversation...How's the weather, how's the family, what's new in your neck of the woods. Well...he had no interest in my neck or anyone elses. Actually, he probably didn't care at all if I was laughing cause on his end he was busy "accomplishing" his task at sorry had to go there! I really wasn't trying to laugh at him, in my stupid, trusting way I thought I was actually having a conversation! I like to think the best of people and asked him not to "go there". Ahhh sometimes I have a blonde moment (no offense to the blondes in my life), but I felt like I might have bleached and dyed my hair one too many times in my life and the brain was not connecting. Of couse I shared this all with my Sainted Danny as there is nothing I don't share with him, probably much to his dismay! This situation of course brought to my memory my little round mama, Lois. Before the internet we just had dirty talkers who called you on the phone. Well, Lois had a dirty talker who tried to call once a day to share his ummmm thoughts. Well, anyone you who knew Lois's knew she would not be intimidated by a dirty talker but would find great humor in this. I remember no one but her being allowed to answer the phone for about a week. The look on her face was priceless when he got her. She would get this bored unimpressed look on her face. One day early in the morning it woke her up and I was nearby and heard her say "how in the world can you think of these things this early in the morning" and hung up. No one messed with Lois's sleep. She also used to laugh out loud before she hung up. Finally she got tired of his "thought sharing" and told him her husband was the chief of police and he should really stop calling. That was funny cause he did hang up and never called again. I think in her own weird way Mum missed her little dirty caller, not because she was enjoying the words but it gave her a comic relief for her day to share with her friends. Things were much more simpler in those day's for dirty talkers, no caller ID, no ISP's to locate them with. Technology must be a bitch for true perverts. I bet they sit and wait for Officer's Stabler and Benson (SVU detectives) to break in and say "A ha....we knew it was you!" Well in real life Benson and Stable don't show up at least not that quickly. I have to say I don't think I had an acutal, true pervert, just someone with too much time on his hands (oh lord, there I go again) and was looking for an easy outlet, sorry I can't stop myself with the pun's. Here is something to make you hmmmmm about the internet – Henry Edward Hardy in his Master’s Thesis (1993) on
The History of the Net stated “The Net is Immortal. Ever wonder what this baby will be like in a 100 years? a 1000 years? Just something to think about as you keep your eye on that cursor." and for that matter a finger off the keyboard on your cell phone!!! Now here's and interesting fact that is not actually a fun fact but none the less informative. Did you know When police pull someone over they will always touch the back of the person's car in order to leave finger prints in case something were to happen to them as well as to make sure the trunk is shut, that way, nobody can jump out and attack them while they are dealing with the driver of the vehicle. Now I found that very interesting number one because many of my family members are police officers and two it's such a simple unnoticable act. I need to verify this with some of the officers in my life. Ahhhh...I have strayed all over with this little missive, but then again, we all know I don't write this stuff down, I'm just typing what pops into my strange little brain. I am having random thoughts while I type this and the biggest one that jumps into my mind as I type this is that I thank god that it was me who got the dirty talker and not some young person who it may effect them in a very serious manner. So the other part of this random thougt is watch who you talk to and let into your "internet life". Not that I'm that good of a person but I'm going to say a prayer for my little dirty talker and pray that he finds a useful outlet (there I go again) for his needs. Well my dears, I just needed to share this little experience with you as being trusting can get you in trouble and sometimes there are people you just shouldn't be all that nice to. Don't hesitate to cut something off when you feel uncomfortable. Well...looks like my writers block went away and for that i'm glad. So in the imortal words of the great Marvin Hamlish I wish you all "Sunshine lollipops, rainbow's everyday!". For you youngsters reading this was pop song back in the dark ages of the 60's, a much simpler time! Be good, be careful and always make people be respectful of you. Big movie star kisses to all of you. xoxox Pammy, the dirty talker listener!

P.S...where the hell is my damn spell still have to put up with my bad spelling till I locate it!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

effin writers block

plain old hello my dear 6 1/ are you m'dears? I am BORNING. I have nothing interesting to say or to write about. I hate not having an opinion.The rest of you are probably saying thank god, not another rant this week! Even TV commericals are not making me happy and you know how I love them. I haven't see one for erectile dysfunction in days. I've only seen one depression commercial and even the E Trade baby is not making me happy...!Pehaps I will become insprired by the end of the week. I'm sure by then something will piss me off...we can only hope! So my dears have a great week and hope for something interesting news wise to happen so I express my opinion! Not even a fun fact or a random thought...I think my brain is fried! Talk to you all soon! xoxox Pammy

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You're a li'l bit country, I'm a li'l Bi Polar type II (thank you Donny and Marie Osmond for the title

Que Pasa me 6 1/2 amigo's. Hope your travels were all safe today in our lovely Pittsburgh weather and anywhere else for whom ever maybe reading this missive.So 6 1/2 I feel we've grown close over these past few weeks and I have something to share with all of you (Oh God is the collective's ok, I hear ya and feel your pain!) Seems I am throwing open all the closet doors recently. For those of you who know me and haven't figured it out I suffer from a severe clinical depression (like who doesn't now days!). I was a little scared of the diaganois of Bi Polar type II. So now you all know I'm not a bitch i'm just a little left of center. You may say "Pam, what is the difference between Bi Polar type II and Type I". Well I'm no doctor, but I play one on TV, love those medical commericals! Type II from my understaning is sorta like what I am always a bit depressed, not having much in the way of highs.I can see that in myself. You can tell me really exciting news sometimes and I will say "that's nice".Doesn't mean I'm not excited just means expressing it with enthusiasm is not always in my emotional make up. Type I from my understanding again are the people who have the extreme highs and lows and do things like spend money out the wazoo then sit in a corner and cry for days. That at least is my interpertation. Someday's I actually pray for one of the highs. This doesn't mean I'm unhappy in my life it just means I have to work a little bit harder at somethings. I do have one complaint about the depection of depressed people on commericals. First off I hate the commerical where people seem to fade into the furniture and the wall paper. I also hate the depressing dirges they play to accompany it.If they want us to perk up why not play something like "Rock the Casbar" by The Clash or "What I like about you" by The Romantics. That might make us all feel better depressed or not.I figure those commericals even depress undepressed people (is that a word?). My only request is that they never ever play "Walkin on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Hated it in the 80's and did not walk on sunshine and refuse to do it now, no because of depression just because it irritates me. We need cheery commericals like those people who are suffering from Erectile Disfunction or need Extenze for the downstairs area. Those people always look happy and they get upbeat (pardon the "up" pun),peppy music. It does worry me that they might get a boner that last's for 4 hours or more. They are supposed to contact a doctor cause I think you can go blind because no blood it getting to where it should be except the pee pee.We only thought insecent mastrubation caused that. Heck, if you were my sainted Danny you would get it a social security card and put it to work! Did you see The Keeping up with the Kardashians when crazy Kris was dosing Bruce's coffee with Viagra and her son drank it by accident and got the boner from hell and didn't know what happend. Gotta love those krazy Karsdashians! And let's not even go into Smilin Bob from the Extenz commericals. He plays one happy Santa and all the ladies want to sit on his lap.Talk about fun. Now all the depressed people get is sad music, people who dissapear, look bad and may get embarressing anal leakage from the medication they perscribe (ok, I made that one up!).I was at the Doctors the other day and I told her I had a complaint, well several. The biggest one was that Heart patients and Diabetics get a little card for their wallet that say's I have this condition.Well I want one for my wallet that say's "Yes, I suffer from depression so no I'm not a bitch". Not making light of people with serious health conditions I just want a card to help explain to people. I have a fact for you and I don't think I will call it a fun fact, but it is informative. Depressive disorders are widespread. "In the United States alone, it's estimated that more than 17.4 million adults have a depressive disorder each year. That works out to about 1 out of every 7 people, so there's a good chance that you or someone you know is dealing with a depressive disorder." Makes ya think doesn't it! That's one hell of allot of depressed people and those are the people who seek help and not everyone does still these days because of the social stigma. Now don't go feelin all sorry for me cause I'm depressed cause that was not the point of this little rant. I made me feel better to share. My sainted Danny has always know that this is in my medical history and has always been 100 percent supportive. Heck, he's met my immediate family meaning Mother,Father and Sister. Don't see how I could be sane. Loved them but some of them were wrapped tighter than others! I'm a nice depressed person mostly.I just might have a panic or anxiety attack in front of you and they can be very educational, just ask my friend Suzanne! All and all I really have a great life there have just been some hurdles in the past few years that have contributed to this. My random thought for today is never ever give my depression a second thought, save that for people who suffer from Cancer, Heart problems or some other horrible problem. Not that depression is not serious because we all know sadly someone could take drastic measures. I on the other hand will be here for a very long time boring you all with the little details of my life and sharing my angst. No one said life is easy. But I say it's what you make of it. I'm gonna make it great or at least try even if it is with the help of chemicals (perscription only!). So hug a depressed person today put on some happy damn music an episode of The Big Bang Theroy and for the depressed guys pray for a hard on cause in those commericals it seems to make them happy! Thus ends this chapter of "Girl Interupted". God I love thowing those crazy movie and music references! Be good, be safe and mostly be happy cause life it good and we are lucky to be here. Kisses to all of you. xoxox Pammy or as I call me Girl Uninterupted. P.S...where the hell did spell check go on my blog, I'm a horrible speller and rely on it, so you now get to see all my errors.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Going Viral?

Happy snowy Thursday my dear 6 1/2 and everyone else Hope all your travels were safe! As you can tell from my title we're going to have a little chat about computers and my views and "vast" knowledge on all things Internet. Of course we know that my opinion is the only one that counts. Those who have chosen to follow me opinion's also have equal weight, because we get it damn it! I go! I looked up the term "going viral" on Wiki answers and here is the definition for those who don't know (and I have to admit, I wasn't actually sure how to put it in words!) 
"The term refers to a phenomenon characterized by mass dissemination of an item on the Internet. It is called viral because of the similarity in which actual viruses are spread. Generally one person will show the object in question to his or her contact, who will then in turn show it to their contacts, and so on. This can refer to emails, videos, pictures or anything else that gains popularity rapidly through word of mouth." OK, so I guess we've all gone 'viral".  Now please do not think I'm as pompous to think I'm the only one who has broached this subject, but now I again feel the need to spout off my opinion.  Which, if you basically think about it we all evidently have felt the need to do via Facebooks, blogs, twitter and lord know how else.  So viral does not mean we are all sharing a cold, but then maybe we are???I read people's posts and sometimes I go mmmmm! Why do we have to tell people on our social networks things like ordered pizza, pizza was lousy, threw pizza away?? I'm all for sharing, but really folks who cares about the pizza?  I had entered the world of Twitter and I'm not sure if I get it. Facebook makes sense to me.  You go on, you read how all your friends and family are doing, hopefully the pizza was good today. There are often kind words and words of support for you and maybe something inspirational.  It seems to me very positive.  I'm sure there is negative out there on facebook, but we are all lucky within our little group that everyone is supportive and friendly.  Tweet is a whole other world.  I guess unless your friends are out there "tweeting" with you and at you, it doesn't seem to make sense to me.  There are all these random sentences out there with peoples opinions and comments that I can't seem to make sense of. Please don't think I'm Tweet bashing, cause I'm not, I'm just trying to figure it out.  I think anything that allows us to communicate with each other on a local and global level is good.  I just wish I could follow what is going on.  Maybe I just need to make some "tweet friends".  I've never been that good at making friends face to face let alone computer to computer.  I feel like the new kid on the playground and no one really wants to play with me.  In all honesty I do have three followers and that is very kind of them.  I found and interesting fun fact out about Twitter that I'd like to share.  Now I'm not really sure how up to date this is because of course I got it from the Internet, but data out there about Twitter. It says's there are 106 million Twitter accounts out there and are supported by 175 employees.  Again, I don't know how up to date it is, but is that not interesting?175 people to keep the whole shebang operational. That's pretty impressive. So Twitter people and pizza lovers don't think I'm criticizing because I have also felt the need to share my little mundane everyday things.  I try to keep it positive, but hey who's always positive? All and all I'm glad there are places where we can interact and if you think about it sharing your thoughts on pizza online is no different that sitting with a friend and telling them about the damn pizza!  We just reach more people with our pizza complaints.  I guess my random thought is thank goodness for the Internet in whatever form you chose to use it.  In this big ole world it helps us all to feel no so alone and that other people do share your views and opinions and even a healthy discussion with people who don't!  It's what makes the world go round (that and Love, but hey I'm reaching into my old mind for music lyrics).  So for right now my faithful 6 1/2 thank you for listening.  I'm not all that amusing today, but just had sometime to think one of my "deep" and life changing (cough) thoughts!  So go out there, order a pizza and tell us on Twitter and Facebook what you think of it, cause I want to know!!!! Blowing Marilyn Monroe kisses to all of you!! Smooch Pammy 

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Stepford Wife.(???)

Hello Dahlings...The first order of business is that we must welcome young Joshua to our lovely meetings.  We are now 6 1/2!  Ha cha cha!!! OK, I regressed there for a moment because this afternoon I've decided that I need to become "The perfect housewife".  I've read several articles today on how a good wife and homemaker  un- fortunately they were are published  in the 1950's. The thing is...I don't think I can cut it.  I'm a failure before I began.  First off our role model is supposed to be Donna Reed. For those not old enough to know who Donna Reed was and why she was famous I shall enlighten you (see I'm trying to be refined and gentile).  Donna Reed was an actress from the 1940'a and 50's.  She was Jimmy Stewart's wife in "It's a Wonderful Life" (hated that movie) had her own TV show in which she played the perfect homemaker (I'm even to young to remember that series except from re-runs) and for those who are much younger she was the second Miss Ellie in Dallas. To tell you the truth I never accepted her as the second Miss Ellie, I also had issues with the second Darrin on Bewitched.  To be a good Stepford ummmm I mean housewife I need to do certain things.  I'm supposed to always look like I stepped out of the beauty parlor, my hair and make up are to always look as if I've had them professionally done and it was just in the last 10 min.I also need to wear pearls allot.  Now I like pearls and have been known to wear them, but it's usually for an evening out and I haven't worn them much since the late 70's and early 80's when we all wanted to look preppy and wore them with everything! I'm supposed to take 15 min. before my husband comes home and rest so I look "refreshed" and to place "a fresh ribbon in my hair" to complete this.  I need to "wash the children's face and hands as they are your little treasures and need to be presented this way"Gracie and Lacy watch out I'm comin for you.  I'm also supposed to have a hot or cold drink in my hand to give to my husband when he comes in and have him either lay down or sit in a comfortable chair and speak in low pleasing tones.  I'm not supposed to complain about my day because my issues are small compared to the issues and people that my Stepford um I mean husband has put up with all day.  OK...I've failed before I started.  Let me first say, it's a cold snowy Saturday and my sainted Danny has been at work since 12 pm.  I have been alone and have had plenty of time to do my hair, find my pearls and wash the children's, well in our case, dog's faces.  I have done none of this.  I'm wearing my Eeyore slippers I have a flannel nightgown on that is 4 sizes too big and my pink fluffy bathrobe. My legs are shaved so there has to be points for that!  I do have dinner ready so there is another positive.  The hair ribbon part is not working for me either.  Donna Reed would have on a lovely pink ribbon tied around her hair like a hairband.  I'm looking and all I have is either a Pittsburgh Steelers bandanna or one from Pet Smart that Lacy and Gracie came home with.  I have to admit either one of them would look good with what I have on, but it's not 50's housewife material.  I know I usually give you all the benefit of one of my precious "random thoughts" but I think this entire thing I've just written is one big random thought! I probably will bitch at Danny in a loud cranky voice about something and he can sit where he wants.  I will, as I always try to do have a cup of tea ready for him when he comes in.  Actually, I'm really not that bad...cause I do always have a meal ready for him.  I guess that's my nod to Donna Reed.  I kinda think I'm working closer to Deborah Barrone housewife from "Everybody Loves Raymond".  I'm kinda cranky (understatement) I don't always look good and the dog's still need their faces washed!  So, I think the best thing I can offer Danny is a cup of tea, a hot meal, two dogs who adore him and me who even if i don't look like Donna Reed loves him with all my heart.  I think I'm going to stop reading those articles and go back to reading old issues of "High Times" and "Rolling Stone".  My fun fact is that the most recent numbers I could come up with for women who stay at home and are housewives and Mom's is 5.3 million. Do you think I'm the .3 cause I'm not so good at it???   Right now I'm gonna go find a set of my pearls and the tiara I own, since I don't have a hair ribbon and see how they look with my nightgown and Eeyore slippers.  Thanks as always for listening and feel free to give constructive criticism on how you think I might improve!  So as I assume Donna Reed would say, It's been a pleasure visiting with you (bee ah ches, that's from me not Donna!).  I'll be back soon....sounds like a threat!  xoxoxox Pammy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One ole girl....

Dear 4 1/2 we are now welcoming number 5 to our fold!!! Welcome Shoezanne!! I love it when I get a new follower (even though I think I had to strong arm Suzie to become one!) Ve vill stop at nafink to get our vay!!!!'s my news.  I have become obsolete!  This was news to me.  I still thought of myself as fairly cool, but it seems I'm not.  I'm like that lady in the music video by Bowling for Soup, 1985.
 "She’s seen all the classics
She knows every line
"Breakfast Club", "Pretty In Pink"
Even "St. Elmo's Fire"
She rocked out to Wham!
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan
Thought she'd get a hand
On a member of Duran Duran"
I mentioned the word "walkman" to a 10 year old the other day....she said "wahhhht is that?"  I was afraid to say the word vinyl, it would have freaked her out.  I read something the other day when a grandma (who couldn't have been that old!) put on an actual record for her grandchild and the child responded with "Gee Grandma, CD's were really big in your day".  Says it all doesn't it.  What happened to my red snake skin shoes and my black stockings that had roses as a design not even to mention my spiked red hair with the rat tail hanging down the back!  I WAS COOL DAMN IT! (?)  Now it's half stockings and flat black ballet shoes.  I've regressed to the age of 10.  I keep telling these young people I'm cool but they are so not believing me.  People born between 1982-2000 are called Generation Y.  They say they are more compassionate about the world around them, but also because of the Internet they expect instant gratification and answers immediately.  They also keep full time job on an average of 1.1 years before they more on to the next one. Instant gratification when I was younger was having your own set of encyclopedia's and my job's consisted of looking for a place I could retire from (Oh god I was old even then!).  Ahh but the world is a different place now and so are young people.  I know I'm not old.  I only mentally feel 16 and according to my sainted Danny I only act 10 (on a good day).  Me knees are shot so my dancing days are over but I can still rock out pretty good sitting down, got that whole Wayne and Garth head banging thing down to a science!  No more red hair or rat tail.  Now a nice conservative bob that I still can spike up at will!  I still have 7 piercings in my ears but have given up to wearing usually 4 and they lean towards the emeralds and pearl earrings, at least I have taste.  All and All I like the new older version for the most part.  I'm kinder and more understanding and I don't think I'm nearly as impulsive and bitchy as I was!  Kids may not think I'm cool but I still remember dancing with a guy who I swore was Jim Morrison (no comparison to any of those music kids today, I hesitate to use the word "rockers" cause in my opinion Enrique Inglasis's little sweet ditty about cheating on his girl friend while she's out of town does not hold up to "Riders on the Storm"!) Not really knocking the music today, just doesn't have the same oomph that it did...we made a statement (I think it had something to do with peace, love and rock and roll, but I'm not real sure cause we were all pretty drunk or stoned in the 70's and 80's!). My random thought for the day is....oh damn, I forgot it cause I'm so darn old!! All kidding aside we are as cool as we feel we are and I still fell pretty darn cool.  So let's rock on and remember those tattoo's we got in the 80's may not look as good as they did cause the ink fades and things sag.  To quote Def Leppard "It's better to burn out than fade away"! I do have a fun fact for you today as well did you know that this guy created inflatable underwear for people who are afraid of falling! I think I need those!  As always, thanks for listening to my rant.  I'd say have a good day, but I always hate it when people tell me what kind of day to have!  Peace out...Pammy.USA has invented Emergency Underwear that contaAirbags for afraid of Falling!