Friday, December 23, 2011

"Santa Baby...."

Dear Santa,

Que pasa??? Just checking how you are doing cause I don't think that people often ask you how your are. What do you want for Christmas Santa? We all know your plans for Christmas Eve so I imagine you snooze all Christmas day sitting by the fire with your pipe and Mrs. Claus, God bless her. She must be the most understanding wife in the entire world cause she doesn't get to spend Christmas Eve with her husband.

I of course, I have a few things that I would like Santa and I understand I can't have them all but I'd just like to discuss a few of them with you.

1. Health, not only for me but for all the people I know and love and for everyone in the world. Like they say, if you don't have your health you have nothing. This is true, just watch the news and seeing people without clean water, healthy food and general health care is an eye opener and makes you thankful for what you have.

2. Peace. I wish peace to everyone. There is not much else to be said about that. Peace of mind, peace on earth. I think one goes hand in hand with the other.

3. Love. I hope and pray that everyone finds their peg. Sometimes it takes along time to find that peg but when you do it's so worth it. I always tell my friends, family and my Sainted Danny that he is the best Christmas gift I ever got to keep. I know I will never know the love of having my own child, but I am so thankful that I have my two "girls" Gracie and Lacy to love and who DO love me back. I am lucky enough to know the love of a child even though she's not my own. Emalee, thank you for all the love you show me. There is nothing better than when you give me a hug me, make me laugh or hear your laugh. You enrich my life.

4. HOPE. I want to always have hope for our future. Hope for the hopeless and hope that I am doing the best in this life that I can. I always want to hope that there is magic in this world and Santa, I think you help us keep hope alive. I do believe you come and see us all on Christmas Eve. We may not know you were there, but sometimes there are small little miracles that prove you were.

5. Faith. I work everyday at maintaining my faith in mankind, in God and in myself. My faith has often been shaken lately, but then, who's faith has not been tested during these difficult times. Santa, I have faith in you and plan to maintain that faith for all my life and to spread some of the joy that you spread. God, I don't always understand your plan for me, but I will always have faith that you are working in all of our best interested. Perhaps we are not supposed to understand the plan, but when we go to heaven all is clear. I have faith (and a lot of hope) that I will be joining the people I love in heaven someday. Oh and Santa and God, when I go could you please make sure I get a chance to talk to John Lennon and John Kennedy as I do have some questions. I won't take up much of their time, I promise!

6. Last, but not least I want another life sized stuffed Jolly Green Giant doll. It was one of the best Christmas gifts I ever got (next to Danny). You would slip a strap from his feet to yours and you could dance with him! I had him for a very long time and I think I danced so much with him he fell apart! I also wouldn't mind my mechanical dog, Gaylord, that I got for my 6th Christmas. He used to pick up his bone. I loved Gaylord. I think he went to "mechanical" dog heaven!

So in conclusion Santa I know there are things on my list I have, some I want and some I wish for other people. Santa, I will always do my best to keep the magic alive. The magic in this life makes it all worth living. I hope you enjoy your gift from Mrs. Claus as I'm sure she's worked hard on finding the right thing for you. Get your rest and we will talk again next year!


Pammy Beattie-Shore

P.S. I understand if you can't locate Gaylord. Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!

Oh...and I didn't bake much this year, but there is chocolate covered mint oreo's, homemade fudge and homemade cashew caramel in the fridge...enjoy!

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