Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One ole girl....

Dear 4 1/2 we are now welcoming number 5 to our fold!!! Welcome Shoezanne!! I love it when I get a new follower (even though I think I had to strong arm Suzie to become one!) Ve vill stop at nafink to get our vay!!!!  So...here's my news.  I have become obsolete!  This was news to me.  I still thought of myself as fairly cool, but it seems I'm not.  I'm like that lady in the music video by Bowling for Soup, 1985.
 "She’s seen all the classics
She knows every line
"Breakfast Club", "Pretty In Pink"
Even "St. Elmo's Fire"
She rocked out to Wham!
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan
Thought she'd get a hand
On a member of Duran Duran"
I mentioned the word "walkman" to a 10 year old the other day....she said "wahhhht is that?"  I was afraid to say the word vinyl, it would have freaked her out.  I read something the other day when a grandma (who couldn't have been that old!) put on an actual record for her grandchild and the child responded with "Gee Grandma, CD's were really big in your day".  Says it all doesn't it.  What happened to my red snake skin shoes and my black stockings that had roses as a design not even to mention my spiked red hair with the rat tail hanging down the back!  I WAS COOL DAMN IT! (?)  Now it's half stockings and flat black ballet shoes.  I've regressed to the age of 10.  I keep telling these young people I'm cool but they are so not believing me.  People born between 1982-2000 are called Generation Y.  They say they are more compassionate about the world around them, but also because of the Internet they expect instant gratification and answers immediately.  They also keep full time job on an average of 1.1 years before they more on to the next one. Instant gratification when I was younger was having your own set of encyclopedia's and my job's consisted of looking for a place I could retire from (Oh god I was old even then!).  Ahh but the world is a different place now and so are young people.  I know I'm not old.  I only mentally feel 16 and according to my sainted Danny I only act 10 (on a good day).  Me knees are shot so my dancing days are over but I can still rock out pretty good sitting down, got that whole Wayne and Garth head banging thing down to a science!  No more red hair or rat tail.  Now a nice conservative bob that I still can spike up at will!  I still have 7 piercings in my ears but have given up to wearing usually 4 and they lean towards the emeralds and pearl earrings, at least I have taste.  All and All I like the new older version for the most part.  I'm kinder and more understanding and I don't think I'm nearly as impulsive and bitchy as I was!  Kids may not think I'm cool but I still remember dancing with a guy who I swore was Jim Morrison (no comparison to any of those music kids today, I hesitate to use the word "rockers" cause in my opinion Enrique Inglasis's little sweet ditty about cheating on his girl friend while she's out of town does not hold up to "Riders on the Storm"!) Not really knocking the music today, just doesn't have the same oomph that it did...we made a statement (I think it had something to do with peace, love and rock and roll, but I'm not real sure cause we were all pretty drunk or stoned in the 70's and 80's!). My random thought for the day is....oh damn, I forgot it cause I'm so darn old!! All kidding aside we are as cool as we feel we are and I still fell pretty darn cool.  So let's rock on and remember those tattoo's we got in the 80's may not look as good as they did cause the ink fades and things sag.  To quote Def Leppard "It's better to burn out than fade away"! I do have a fun fact for you today as well did you know that this guy created inflatable underwear for people who are afraid of falling! I think I need those!  As always, thanks for listening to my rant.  I'd say have a good day, but I always hate it when people tell me what kind of day to have!  Peace out...Pammy.USA has invented Emergency Underwear that contaAirbags for afraid of Falling!


Unknown said...

And then there were... SIX :) I've decided to come out of the closet. NO NO NO, not THAT closet, I did that 10 years ago this week! No, I'm talking about the "I read Pam's Blog" closet. Enjoy every post, Pam!

Pam said...

thank you Josh....happy to have you as a follower!!!! Happy coming out week!!! Hope you enjoy my silly rantings...xoxox Pammy