Dia Dhuit (dee-ah-dh-it) God be with you in Gaelic my dear 6 1/2!Ahhh the Merry Merry Month of March, ok, I know that it's technically May in the song, but hey, i'm usin it now. What is to be said about this loverly months. Well first and formost it's the month of my entrance into our world."it was cold dark snowy night....(stolen from Snoopy in Peanuts cartoons).Actually I think it was morning and my Mom was iritated that she went into labor on the 17th cause she was all dressed for a party and I don't think I did much for her new dress. So instead of a party, she went to the hospital and TA DA...The stork left moi! Vous you may say...MOI!!! March 18th 1959. Now I don't remember much about that remarkable day but I imagine it was hectic. I embarrassed my parents early on as the night that I was born I rolled over in my little plastic case. Mum and Dad were at the nursery looking at me and lots of other people were looking at their yung un's through the glass as they did in those days (just like little zoo animals!)well, I rolled my little butt over as i'm sure I must have been uncomfortable on my back. Everyone ohhhh'd and awwww'd cause newborns must not be able to do that right away. I don't know as I've never had one of my own. Mum and Dad just looked around like who is that child..don't know why it made such a big fuss but they always told that story. They gave me the lovely name of Pamela Joyce Beattie. Now Mum wanted to name me Heather Laurel but my Great Grandma Lizzie said "you might as well call her Petunia Pardenia cause that's how stupid it sounds" Lizzie spoke her mind. I only have vague memories of her as she passed away when I was 4, but I know I liked her and missed her when she was gone. When it stormed and the thunder and lightning came they always told me the angels were bowling....well...not long after Lizzie died we had a thunder storm and I looked at my Mom and Dad and said, and I am quoting verbatim here "well, If Lizzie can bowl in heaven why the hell can't she pick up a damn phone and call??" Mom said I went through a phase where I swore like a sailor. They also told this story through out my life. So many things happened in the month of March. My Mother did have another child on March 16, four years after I was born, otherwise know as Rigid Ruth (she never compromises). March 15th in history is refered to as The Ides of March. The date in history in 44 B.C. when the Roman Dictator Julius A. Caesar (I don't like his salad dressing) was stabbed 23 times in the Roman Senate lead by his "dear friend" Marcus Junius Brutus...Julie baby's dying breath was to have been taken and with these words "Et Tu Brute" died...bummer. Well, with friends like that you don't need enemies, but then again, he WAS a dictator and they usually don't meet good ends. We thought that Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie had a bad end to a friendship? I think this act coined the phrase "frienemies"! We of course celebrate St. Patrick's day on March 17th when St. Patrick was said to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland. Now did he really drive the snakes out of Ireland..there is no proof to confirm that he did or didn't.They say he may have thrown a few in and cast them out to make it look good but they also say he drove sobriety out of Ireland that day! I can joke about things Irish as my Sainted Danny was born in Ireland! Acutally the driving of the snakes out of Ireland can be looked at as the pagans being driven out to make room for Christianity.Ahhh yes so many day's in March history, again with my Birthday taking precedent over all of them! I don't have a good name for my birthday celebration since St. Patricks day is taken. If I was born in October I would have called it Pamtoberfest, but alas, I was not. So this year I will celebrate my 52 years on earth. It will be a quiet celebration and all verbal tributes are appreciated!. I have two little fun facts to share with you about Parades, Pittsburgh and Ireland. Do you know or remember that on March 13 1993 during the St. Patricks Day Parade in Pittsburgh we had the worst blizzard in 100 years, yet the parade went on!Also..Lucky Charms, a favorite cereal brand among many, young and old, was created in 1963, with its popular mascot, Lucky the Leprechaun. Its jig is a memorable tune for many, including the young at heart!
"Hearts, Stars, and Horseshoes
Clovers and Blue moons
Pots of gold and rainbows,
And the red balloon
That’s the luck of me lucky charms!
Their magically delicious!".
So I hope you enjoyed my little trek through history and my life. I enjoyed writing it I think my random thought is how is the world do I write this stuff?? My mind is ten different places at one time and somedays can't organize a trip to the toilet let alone these paragraphs. Have a wonderful St. Paddy's day my dear 6 1/2 and anyone else who may read this. Slan Agat...Gaelic for goodbye!
I love you writing & you,
thank you Maggie...Love you too!
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