Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kanye West and his "Magical Mystery Tour" ...Shout out to the Beatles!!

Dear 3 1/2 and my Margaret...It's been a few days since I've checked in but that is because I'm not a natural writer, I gotta think of this stuff...mull it over and see if it makes any sense. I do write this crap for myself but I am aware there might be someone else out there who reads this and I really don't feel like apologizing for what I have to say as my goal is not to offend people but make people go mmmmm!! So, just as I write this I'm also aware that people have the choice not to read it.  This is just the place I organize the scary place that is my mind.  First off...Big shout out to my Margaret who had some surgery last Friday.  She's doing well and she tells me she is "too mean to die" which could not be further from the truth (the mean part I mean).  I must say she is one of the kindest, coolest and funniest ladies I've ever had the please of knowing.  She enriches my life just by knowing her!  Love you Maggie.  So, that said let me get to the subject at hand.  Kanye freaking West, god bless him!  Did God and his Mother not give him any filters? We all have natural filters and we have free will so there is a choice when and if to use them.  I respect the fact that Mr. West is able to live in a country that allows him to express his opinion with no fear of retaliation.  That is what our wars are fought for.  I watched with much disbelief the interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show the other day when Mr. Lauer addressed the statements that Mr. West made regarding George Bush and his response to Hurricane Katrina.  Mr. West has an opinion (and again I must state opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one!)  I am not in anyway calling Mr. West an asshole.  But what I must say one thing that I feel and what I feel is that he did not have the tools to respond to the questions Mr. Lauer was posing. The journalist used technique that we have seen time and time again when the media plays a sound bite under the conversation and he used his little rant about how this was distracting him and he would not go on if it continued to distract.  Distract from the fact that he was not prepared enough nor articulate enough to have this conversation.  I doesn't mean he's is unintelligent.  I actually think far from it. He is a young man that wants to be heard. He needs to find a way to be heard where people will actually listen to the words not the way he presents them.  Racism is a fact of life everywhere and the only way we change it is by speaking out the way Kanye West did.  I might not agree with his statement, but I give him his props for trying to articulate it.  Just please, someone send this man to school to learn how to say it without the anger he is so vehemently trying to fight.  I don't know if he realizes he comes off like a racist as well.  I felt bad for Matt Lauer, but then he's a big boy who has probably experience worse that a pissed off rapper.  Bill Cosby where are you when we need you.  Take this young man under your very classy and learned way and and teach him how to act in a public forum.  I felt bad for George Bush.  9/11 was a mess but it was a mess in someways that New York and the Government had been preparing for years to handle.  Katrina was nothing like we ever saw and granted allot of things should have been handled differently.  I don't know If Mr. West noticed that it not only black people who were effected?  Black, white, yellow, old and young were effected by both of these tragedies.  I don't know if there was any good way to respond to either.  We do look to our government to take the lead and do all the right things.  Sometimes men are just men (and I say that meaning all sexes) and are trying to figure out what the right thing to do is and how to handle it.  It doesn't mean they always do it right.  So yet again dear Kanye decided to express his opinion which he feels is valid and in a way that no one will listen to him.  They just say, what an asshole.  I mean picking on Taylor Swift and taking away from what she did as an artist was unacceptable.  If someone had done that to Beyonce racism would have been screamed to the roof not only by Kanye, but The Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.  Al and Jessie show up for everything.  Here's a fact about racism and it is in no way shape or form "a fun fact".  It was published on line in an article by Loveleena Rajeeve on 3/10/10 at a website called buzzel.com. "One of the ugliest racism facts pertain to the reality that racism sees no geography, it is rampant, and in most cases state sponsored."  There was much more to this statement but I chose the part that hit home with me.  Yes, I can understand where people often feel that racism is state sponsored and that goes back to the day when in the south it was acceptable to lynch people of color and the state did turn the other way.  What Mr. West forgets is most of us are just people who want to get along.  There are bad people out there who hate everyone.  As they say the squeakiest wheel gets the old.  So Mr. West, perhaps you need to join the Pope who went on his tour to apologize for priest who abuse children. I'm sure there would be plenty of room in the Popemobile as long as he leaves "his ego at the door".  Sometimes sorry isn't enough and that goes for the government as well as people who do nasty things.  I am in no way shape or form comparing Mr. West to a priest who abuses children. I'm just expressing my opinion that we seem to have lost all sense of politeness and common courtesy in our everyday life.  Seems to me the best way to fight racism is to respect one and other and that seems to be something that Mr. West has forgotten to apply to himself and his statements.  Here's my Random Thought....think before you speak...it's a simple thing that Mom and Dad and your Kindergarten teacher (Unless it was my Kindergarten teacher who abused children, but that is another blog!) taught you as a child.  Kayne had a Mom whom he loved very much, who can dislike a man who loved his mama.  She would probably be proud of the fact he expressed his opinion but not have loved the way he chose to do it.  So I realize this was a bit heavy and my goal is usually to make people laugh, but today my mind is sorta going mmmmmm.  Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing and we all should use it.  Just do it in an intelligent way, it makes people listen a bit harder and longer.  So my loves, this might not have been a poplar opinion for me to express, but oh well I've tried to do it somewhat intelligently.  As always, thank you for reading, I enjoy and look forward to your feed back positive or negative.  And as it was so clearly said is STAR WARS...."may the force be with you"!!! xoxoxo Jedi Pammy.

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