Saturday, January 22, 2011

You're a li'l bit country, I'm a li'l Bi Polar type II (thank you Donny and Marie Osmond for the title

Que Pasa me 6 1/2 amigo's. Hope your travels were all safe today in our lovely Pittsburgh weather and anywhere else for whom ever maybe reading this missive.So 6 1/2 I feel we've grown close over these past few weeks and I have something to share with all of you (Oh God is the collective's ok, I hear ya and feel your pain!) Seems I am throwing open all the closet doors recently. For those of you who know me and haven't figured it out I suffer from a severe clinical depression (like who doesn't now days!). I was a little scared of the diaganois of Bi Polar type II. So now you all know I'm not a bitch i'm just a little left of center. You may say "Pam, what is the difference between Bi Polar type II and Type I". Well I'm no doctor, but I play one on TV, love those medical commericals! Type II from my understaning is sorta like what I am always a bit depressed, not having much in the way of highs.I can see that in myself. You can tell me really exciting news sometimes and I will say "that's nice".Doesn't mean I'm not excited just means expressing it with enthusiasm is not always in my emotional make up. Type I from my understanding again are the people who have the extreme highs and lows and do things like spend money out the wazoo then sit in a corner and cry for days. That at least is my interpertation. Someday's I actually pray for one of the highs. This doesn't mean I'm unhappy in my life it just means I have to work a little bit harder at somethings. I do have one complaint about the depection of depressed people on commericals. First off I hate the commerical where people seem to fade into the furniture and the wall paper. I also hate the depressing dirges they play to accompany it.If they want us to perk up why not play something like "Rock the Casbar" by The Clash or "What I like about you" by The Romantics. That might make us all feel better depressed or not.I figure those commericals even depress undepressed people (is that a word?). My only request is that they never ever play "Walkin on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Hated it in the 80's and did not walk on sunshine and refuse to do it now, no because of depression just because it irritates me. We need cheery commericals like those people who are suffering from Erectile Disfunction or need Extenze for the downstairs area. Those people always look happy and they get upbeat (pardon the "up" pun),peppy music. It does worry me that they might get a boner that last's for 4 hours or more. They are supposed to contact a doctor cause I think you can go blind because no blood it getting to where it should be except the pee pee.We only thought insecent mastrubation caused that. Heck, if you were my sainted Danny you would get it a social security card and put it to work! Did you see The Keeping up with the Kardashians when crazy Kris was dosing Bruce's coffee with Viagra and her son drank it by accident and got the boner from hell and didn't know what happend. Gotta love those krazy Karsdashians! And let's not even go into Smilin Bob from the Extenz commericals. He plays one happy Santa and all the ladies want to sit on his lap.Talk about fun. Now all the depressed people get is sad music, people who dissapear, look bad and may get embarressing anal leakage from the medication they perscribe (ok, I made that one up!).I was at the Doctors the other day and I told her I had a complaint, well several. The biggest one was that Heart patients and Diabetics get a little card for their wallet that say's I have this condition.Well I want one for my wallet that say's "Yes, I suffer from depression so no I'm not a bitch". Not making light of people with serious health conditions I just want a card to help explain to people. I have a fact for you and I don't think I will call it a fun fact, but it is informative. Depressive disorders are widespread. "In the United States alone, it's estimated that more than 17.4 million adults have a depressive disorder each year. That works out to about 1 out of every 7 people, so there's a good chance that you or someone you know is dealing with a depressive disorder." Makes ya think doesn't it! That's one hell of allot of depressed people and those are the people who seek help and not everyone does still these days because of the social stigma. Now don't go feelin all sorry for me cause I'm depressed cause that was not the point of this little rant. I made me feel better to share. My sainted Danny has always know that this is in my medical history and has always been 100 percent supportive. Heck, he's met my immediate family meaning Mother,Father and Sister. Don't see how I could be sane. Loved them but some of them were wrapped tighter than others! I'm a nice depressed person mostly.I just might have a panic or anxiety attack in front of you and they can be very educational, just ask my friend Suzanne! All and all I really have a great life there have just been some hurdles in the past few years that have contributed to this. My random thought for today is never ever give my depression a second thought, save that for people who suffer from Cancer, Heart problems or some other horrible problem. Not that depression is not serious because we all know sadly someone could take drastic measures. I on the other hand will be here for a very long time boring you all with the little details of my life and sharing my angst. No one said life is easy. But I say it's what you make of it. I'm gonna make it great or at least try even if it is with the help of chemicals (perscription only!). So hug a depressed person today put on some happy damn music an episode of The Big Bang Theroy and for the depressed guys pray for a hard on cause in those commericals it seems to make them happy! Thus ends this chapter of "Girl Interupted". God I love thowing those crazy movie and music references! Be good, be safe and mostly be happy cause life it good and we are lucky to be here. Kisses to all of you. xoxox Pammy or as I call me Girl Uninterupted. P.S...where the hell did spell check go on my blog, I'm a horrible speller and rely on it, so you now get to see all my errors.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Okay, so I tried to leave a comment already but wasn't set up for it. Soooo, I will try again. I appreciate your blog. I don't know you very well but I can say you made a lot of interesting points in your "random thoughts" regarding your Bi-Polar type II blog. I agree wholeheartedly that there are MANY people who suffer from some type of depressive disorder and many who resist treatment based on the social stigma surrounding it. That goes for so many mental illnesses too. Such a shame but it is the truth. As I said; I don't know much about you but I do know that you have extremely good taste in music and I've come to consider you a friend just from knowing you on fb. Thanks for the info. and I say go ahead and make yourself a card to carry in your wallet. Then just whip it out and shove it in the first person's face who pisses you off. More social awareness is needed and that goes for sooooo many things we experience as a culture. There is more awareness of sexual dysfunction disorders than there is for deprssive disorders and you are right; the commercials don't do much to help the depression....anyway....thanks for sharing.