Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Okey Dokey Artichokey"....Uncle Charlie 2 1/2 Men!

Bonjour dear 6 1/2. I've missed you all but I've been busy following the antics of Charlie Sheen, which has become a fulltime job!!! Would someone please shut this man up!! Martin Sheen have this man declared unfit and get his ass committed before he ends up dead. Just like with Brittany Spears and anyother celebrity addict we all spend too much time paying attention and by doing that feeds the media. The media always say, we given them what they want. I guess we want trash sometimes. Even I, by writting this am playing into the entire hoopla. I just find it sad that another talented life is being wasted.They always say because these people have so much money and power that people are afraid to say no to them or tell them the truth. I thought that was what parents were for! Didn't matter how old I was my Mom and Dad never hesitated to tell me what they thought and what I was doing wrong. At the time it pissed me off, now, I wish I had listened more. Of course I'm not speaking of anything of the level that Mr. Sheen is experiencing. When you can't stand up for yourself or for that matter stand on your own two feet Mom and Dad need to be there. I also realize that a drug addict pushes family so far away that there are times for their own sanity they step back. So if the family can't do it there are enough people around him who's career's depend on him that someone should man up and slap him in the face (figurativly). I try not to feel to bad for Charlie cause he's done this to himself, but there is a part of me who looks in his face all all I can see in his eyes is the confusion. I remember seeing the same look on Robert Downey Jr.s face in the last mug shot they took of him. Af frist I thought it was crazed but then I had a much younger friend point out to me that it was a scared, confused look. I looked back at the picture and did see it and it was terribly sad. I truly don't think Charlie Sheen understands why all this is happening or that he's done it. I know Dr. Drew is just itching to get his paw's on him...imagine the ratings for Celebrity Rehab!!! Mr. Sheen is just playing out in the media what happens to addicts everyday. He just has more money, power and celebrity that causes people to pay attention. I don't think anyone really cares how it turns out for him, because of course when it finally kills him everyone can say "what a shame someone didn't help him". I'm not only sad for the life that is being ruined and the people around him, but damn it, I really liked 2 1/2 Men. Uncle Charlie was a pig, but he was a loveable pig (if that's possible). I've always loved John Cryer since he was Duckie in Pretty in Pink. In this crazy world we live in it gave us something to laugh at. So if someone has enough talent in the day and age to take us mentally away from the worlds troubles for a half and hour I give them credit. I know this is all a bit heavy but I felt like sharing my thoughts on this. So since this has been a bit preachy left me share a fun fact about Oscar's.
The Oscar statuette isn’t made of gold – it’s made from an alloy called Britannia [wiki], which is 93% tin, 5% antimony, and 2% copper. It is only plated with gold.
To conserve metal during World War II, the Oscars were made of plaster. The winners could then exchange them for the shiny statuettes after the war was over the actors could have them replaced with the gold plated statue. As usual I found this little piece of trivia interesting. I'm going to leave you with this random thought that might not be as random as I think but I hope it will all make us go hmmmm. Remember the names Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Hank Williams Sr.,Janis Joplin and Judy Garland. Now when we hear them or think of them we always think at the sametime....ahhh it was drugs and alcohol that killed them. Think about Robert Downey Jr., Drew Barrymore and the scores of people you know in your own lives that have overcome some type of addiction. It is possible with help. When he starts shaving his head like Brittany perhaps someone will help him. Let's hope he can get it together. I wrote this not for Charlie Sheen because he would not care a rat's ass about one little person like me thinks, but for the sake of making us think about addiction. So my dear 6 1/2 Have a great day!!!xoxox Pammy

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