Friday, October 22, 2010

Out of the "closet"......

Dear 3  1/2's time for me to come out of the closet....are you listening???? Are you worried about what I'm going to say???? Good....I've hooked you in!!!! Let me say it loud and clear....I AM A CLOSET BARRY MANILOW FAN!!!.....There, I've said it and I feel so much better.  The relief of not hiding it any longer, changing the station when someone get's in the car with me and "Mandy" is on. The relief that I no longer need to wear my Blondie Tee Shirt over my Barry Manilow Tour 1987 Tee Shirt.  FANILOW'S unite (or untie if you spell badly!)  Who doesn't feel good when Barry sings "Daybreak"!  I dare you to listen to Barry Manilow Live and not feel the need to clean and sing along (the soundtrack from Oklahoma also does that to me, but that is another Blog.)  Yes, I am a Alice Cooper, Sammy Hagar listening hybrid. Dear  3 1/2 there is room for all of my personalities in there!  We all know of my love for "The Biebster" and Donny Osmond....I can't help it....all the wholesomeness  makes me happy and takes me back to my childhood.  That is why I find lil ole Justin so darn appealing (I also like Justin Timberlake, but my thoughts are not that pure when it comes to him!).  I think I actually pissed someone off the other day when I compared the young "Biebster" to "The Great Donny Osmond" What I was trying to say is his music takes me back to a simpler time.  Ah well you can't please everyone all of the time...All I can say is kudos's to Mr. Manilow, Mr. Osmond and the young Master Bieber.  Let's have some more happy!!! There is plenty of time for Flo Rida and The Beastie Boys (went old school on ya there!)  Sometimes it's just about singing along and feeling good. random thought for the day is.....Don't hate the playa, hate the game!!!!  This was one of those random thoughts that I'm not sure if it fit's in with my rant, but I always wanted to use it!  Spend a few moments this weekend with the above mentioned artists.  You always can go back to the dark side (and no I don't mean country music, no offense to anyone as I've been to a few country music concerts myself).  I was referring to "The Dark side of the Moon"!!  Ok soooo speaking of pure and innocent here is my fun fact for the day.....Did you know that Kermit the Frog is left handed???  I'm not sure if we call it a "hand" but some crazy took the time to figure this out.  They were perhaps the same people who "outed' Bert and Ernie as Gay.  Have a great weekend my dears....and as John and Yoko put it so aptly in the 70's "Give Peace a Chance"   

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